Adult Community
The main axis of treatment
Whatever happens, there is hope.
Men and women are accommodated in separate rooms, and receive group therapy separately.
security | understanding | acceptance

"I was shouting outside and no one heard me... now that I'm in Agia Skepi, I whisper and everyone hears me"
Konstantinos M.

Target Audience
It is aimed at adult chronic users with or without a criminal background. Admission to the closed program can take place after detoxification is completed and preparation at the counseling station in the Intake group for individuals who voluntarily choose therapy has been carried out.

Target Audience
Treatment Model
The therapeutic community provides a safe environment that offers the individual undergoing treatment the space, time, and means to address the issues that led them to substance use. The closed therapeutic program is based on the therapeutic community model. In the philosophy of therapeutic communities, substance dependence is seen as a multifaceted problem that affects the individual as a whole. The treatment aims at a radical transformation of the personality through the reconstruction of the individual's identity in combination with abstinence from substance use. The hierarchical model of therapeutic communities that is adopted offers an alternative family, which, within the context of community coexistence, activates both self-help and mutual help, as well as the assumption of roles of responsibility towards oneself and others. Regarding the psychotherapeutic methods and techniques utilized within the community, the foundation lies in the cognitive-behavioral model, supplemented with elements from group and family therapy, systemic approach, and psychodynamic theory. These methods are applied in all types of interventions, whether they involve therapeutic groups, confrontation groups, psychoeducational groups, or individual counseling psychotherapy. They focus on: - Recognition and management of emotions - Development of social skills - Assumption of responsibilities - Management of post-traumatic stress - Anger management - Relapse prevention
Therapeutic Goals
In the stage of the closed program, which includes intensive therapy, the goal is psychological detoxification. The aim is to rebuild the identity of the individuals undergoing treatment. They are called upon to confront their addiction, recognize it, and accept it. Difficulties arise from emotional traumas the individual carries and significant deficits in healthy skills, such as taking responsibility. Additionally, they are required to change their attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors regarding substance use as well as their real needs on social, familial, and psychological levels. Furthermore, they are often faced with examining their actions and choices as active users, which frequently leads to feelings of shame and guilt. The overall therapeutic processes aim to gradually assist the individuals in developing social and personal skills, acquiring tools for recognizing and managing their emotions and behaviors, and gaining a form of healthy self-control and self-esteem. Through these processes, they are guided as smoothly as possible towards the phase of social reintegration.

Target Audience
Staff skills
The Therapist needs to have the knowledge around the theoretical background of therapeutic communities and addiction. Clinical training is also an important condition, since he will often encounter a double diagnosis, hence the need for an individualized clinical plan. It is considered appropriate to be able to create the conditions for the functioning of a therapeutic framework that promotes change and often to be a role model for the patient. He is often asked to change hats, depending on the phase the member is in and to adjust the role in which he presents himself to the client, but having strong boundaries which are the most therapeutic tool. He needs to monitor and assess the condition of clients, anticipate or manage crises, supervise and lead teams, delegate and oversee the overall picture of each client in context and intervene. It also makes decisions on issues related to treatment planning. The therapist's role requires high commitment, which in order to remain at productive levels, requires constant personal and group supervision and good "use" of the network of partners in the community.